Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Winning at Losing

As this New Year approaches I decide that I want to reach out to those that are struggling with their weight with daily messages to teach and heal through the anointing and power of God. I am myself am in the midst of this faith fight of releasing excess weight and so others may look at me and think I am STILL trying to do it but the truth TODAY is that I walk in the victory of knowing that it is done. At this point it more head knowledge than heart revelation but that is the purpose of this website. It is so I can dedicate to helping myself and others walk out the PHYSICAL and visible proof of our victory. I would like ALL of you reading this to know that whether it feels like or whether it even looks like it the truth is that as a believer in Jesus Christ YOU already have the victory. Instead of starting this journey thinking in fear of what we have to do it is time to believe in faith what has been done. I read just today that fear is believing in something bad and faith is believing in something good. This time around as I endeavor to release excess weight I don't start off fearing to fail but instead I start off believing the word that in Christ I always triumph.
I already KNOW this time around how this thing will end. I want to encourage someone to know today that with God you have been given the power to lose weight. I want to exhort you to know that in Christ you have been healed from the temptation and habit of overeating. It reads in about Jesus Christ in Isaiah 53:5 But He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by his wounds we are healed. See the truth is the work on Calvary is done and through that We have are healed and have been whole. We are called to believe that and receive the blessings from it. On this website I will share practical and natural ideas about eating right and releasing weight but mainly I want to STARVE the flesh and FEED our spirit with faith food. Stay tuned and Be Blessed, Manie